Moment by moment...

My goal for this blog is to document the sweet joy of our everyday lives. I hope to be able to use this blog to reflect back on when I FINALLY get to scrapbook my childrens' lives. I hope you enjoy looking at our pictures half as much as we enjoy the moments in the pictures. xxx

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day.....All About the Babes!!!

Next to Christmas, I think Valentine's Day is my absolute favorite!!!  It is all about the babes in this house!!  They woke up to "their" kitchen table decorated as the "Restaurant of Love".  Breakfast of heart shaped - chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries with whip cream was served to two excited little ones.  They ate ate ate!!!  Gavin had so much fun saying..."More water please Sir!!"  (He doesn't realize the difference between Mam and Sir yet! )

 After breakfast, Gavin and Emma decorated cupcakes and Valentines for some of their loved ones.  Then we went out and delivered them!!  They really LOVED sharing their love!!

 A long day delivering Valentines was rewarded with another meal at our "Restaurant of Love".  This time on the menu was heart shaped pb&j and pink yogurt.  Mmmmmmmmm!!!
 Next, for dessert, home made mini heart cakes that they got to decorate AND eat!!  Thankfully they didn't eat too much!!  They had more fun decorating!!

 We tried to take naps...but I think they excitement of the day just made that impossible so on to dinner time guessed it...."The Restaurant of Love".  Last meal of the day and it was red/white heart shaped raviolis!! 
 Dessert....Nani bought them their very own special "Fondue" pot...made just for melting chocolate!!  So what else could we have for dessert but Chocolate Fondue!!!  Sooooo yummy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this !!!! I hope those two know that they have the best Mommy in the world!!!!!
