Moment by moment...

My goal for this blog is to document the sweet joy of our everyday lives. I hope to be able to use this blog to reflect back on when I FINALLY get to scrapbook my childrens' lives. I hope you enjoy looking at our pictures half as much as we enjoy the moments in the pictures. xxx

Saturday, September 10, 2011

THANK YOU dear friend....

Friends....friends....what would we do without our friends??? My sweet dear friend Carrie just created my entire blog layout for me.  Incredible!!!  Five children (one a newborn like Lily), teacher (she is homeschooling her four girls), wow...her time is precious and she used her free time to help me.  Thank you so very much my dear friend!!!  I love you and my blog does too!!!!  It is so cute!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Let's see if I can type through my tears...
    The thank you belongs to you! I am so blessed by you... it was an honor to dazzle up your blog the way you dazzle up my life! I love you tons!!!
