Moment by moment...

My goal for this blog is to document the sweet joy of our everyday lives. I hope to be able to use this blog to reflect back on when I FINALLY get to scrapbook my childrens' lives. I hope you enjoy looking at our pictures half as much as we enjoy the moments in the pictures. xxx

Friday, September 23, 2011

Craft Day!!

It isn't very often that I take out my sewing machine, but when I do it is loads of fun for me and the kiddos.  On this particular craft day we made head bands, burpies, and snotty blankies (thank u again Carrie).  It just so happens that the big kids (lol!) had colds so the snotty blankies were put to immediate use.  Here are a few pictures of our day.

This is Emma attempting to sew a headband on her own....and Lily enjoying one of her new burpies.  She is such a spit up queen that she needs LOADS of burpies. I think I am going to make her a few more.

1 comment:

  1. Utterly, totally, completely, absolutely AMAZING! You seriously could sell these! Everything looks so good... so professional! Can you do a post on how you made the headbands?
