Moment by moment...

My goal for this blog is to document the sweet joy of our everyday lives. I hope to be able to use this blog to reflect back on when I FINALLY get to scrapbook my childrens' lives. I hope you enjoy looking at our pictures half as much as we enjoy the moments in the pictures. xxx

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Little Sunshine

My sweet Lily is almost four months old.  I am making my mom and I an 8 x 8 album of Lily's first year.  I made one for Gavin (almost done) and will be making one of Emma as well....catching up is taking forever!! Here are the first 3 months...

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Oh! OH! So sweet! You did an amazing job! So much love... it just oozes off the page! Gush! Gush! I love it!
