Moment by moment...

My goal for this blog is to document the sweet joy of our everyday lives. I hope to be able to use this blog to reflect back on when I FINALLY get to scrapbook my childrens' lives. I hope you enjoy looking at our pictures half as much as we enjoy the moments in the pictures. xxx

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fantastic Friday 11.11.11

Gavin had the day off of school today!!!  Yippee {for me, he actually likes to go to school, but I love having him home!!}!!  We have been talking about this day for awhile.  The kids knew that this day was going to be a KID day.  Mommy could only do KID things.  NO PHONE, CLEANING, ORGANIZING!!  {It was hard not to do my daily chores, but I really did enjoy purely focusing them and basically only the essential mommy tasks like making food and doing dishes.}  Today, like all our days together, was absolutely wonderful.  Believe it or not all four of us are even sick and we STILL had a great time!

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